Wildlife Department

About Wildlife Department

It is among the departments of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies. The department is considered one of the pillars of wildlife sciences in Sudan, and it enjoys a good academic reputation due to the qualified cadres that it provided in public service, whether in universities, research centers or other institutions, as well as the department’s contributions worldwide. For the hard work that has been provided by the professors in the department over the past years and until now.

Department objectives
1- Training and graduating cadres with scientific qualifications of a distinguished level capable of leading public institutions in the country in the field of wildlife.
2- Participate in raising awareness of wildlife as a national natural resource
3- Conducting studies and research in the field of wildlife and sharing them at the local and global levels
4- Contribute to the development of scientific plans and policies that will preserve the wild life
Participate in the development of national and international programs in various wildlife magazines to provide the required information to assist in making the necessary decisions.

Department activities
• Participation in workshops, seminars and lectures on wildlife in the state of Sinnar and on the national scale
• Participation in environmental feasibility studies and environmental impact assessment for new projects (Al-Rahad and Kenana canals project)
• The department participated in the waterfowl survey project for northern Sudan from 2010 to 2020 with the participation of three agencies (the General Department for Wildlife Protection, the Sudanese Wildlife Society – and the French National Hunting and Environment Office), where the project covered large areas of Sudan.
• The department participated in the Migratory Soaring Birds project and studied the impact of power lines on the death of migratory birds, which included the states of Sinnar, Gedaref, and Kassala, which is a project implemented in (11) countries.
• The department participated in developing the investment plan for wildlife in the state of South Kordofan 2007
Agreements concluded by the department
1- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the General Directorate for Wildlife Protection
2- Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the French National Office for a period of one year (2011).