Environmental Studies Department

About Environmental Studies Department

The Department of Environmental Studies at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies – Sinnar University was established in 2010. The department grants a bachelor’s degree (honours) in environmental studies in the event of successful completion of the accredited academic program, which contains 180 credit hours taught in ten semesters or the equivalent of five academic years. Graduate studies have also been granted in the department for master’s and doctoral programs. .
The Department of Environmental Studies seeks to spread environmental knowledge and deepen its roots by offering a unique scientific program that qualifies it to obtain academic accreditation and national and global leadership in research excellence, community service and development based on a culture of total quality.

The Message :
Creating a cadre equipped with knowledge, skills, and values, and has the ability to contribute to achieving sustainable development through the completion of environmental research projects that help solve environmental problems locally, nationally, and globally according to international standards.
Objectives :
1- Preparing and qualifying students through educational programs characterized by modernity and keeping abreast of modern scientific developments that guarantee excellence, quality and creativity at the level of applied research and community service and development.
2 – Work to serve and develop the community by raising environmental awareness and addressing environmental problems.
3 – Conducting research and studies and preparing strategic reports on regional, national and global environmental issues and proposing solutions.
4 – Providing scientific advice to projects, institutions and industrial sectors to avoid environmental deterioration. With the completion of agricultural afforestation to 5% of the total irrigated areas and 10% of the total rain-fed areas, which will contribute to reducing global warming.
5 – Supporting community activities by holding seminars, workshops, conferences and scientific courses in the field of environmental protection.
6 – Formation of strategic partnerships with departments, colleges, universities, research centers and institutions that have the same vision, mission and interests.