Information technology department
- Departments
- Programming department
- Information technology department.
- Computer Systems and Networks.
- Information Systems Department.
- Programming department.
About Information Technology Department
The department seeks to serve the community, enrich scientific research and prepare a generation that builds the structure of information technology by preparing researchers and specialists in various fields of information technology by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to work on adapting and localizing technology and providing technical solutions to meet the needs of the development plans of society.
1) Joining specialized jobs in various fields, including financial, industrial, commercial, governmental, educational, and health fields.
3) Helping individuals and institutions achieve their desired goals by providing adequate information on technical solutions and how to apply them in the best way.
3) Effective management of information technology resources for individuals and institutions.
4) Continuous follow-up of developments in the field of information technology and presenting the application of these developments (updates) to the individuals and institutions concerned.
Contribute to the development of the scientific, mathematical and theoretical foundations on which information technology is built.
Familiarity with the social and ethical responsibilities of information technology professionals.
Complete postgraduate studies and scientific research in the fields of information technology.
1) Preparing trained and scientifically and professionally qualified cadres in the field of information technology in order to bridge the great shortage and huge gap in these important disciplines by preparing and implementing academic programs to award bachelor’s degrees and diplomas.
2) Preparing and developing research in the field of information technology in order to keep pace with the huge boom and revolution that is sweeping the world in this field and so that we do not miss the trail of science and progress.
3) Work on spreading and consolidating the use of computing and informatics in all fields in order to achieve the electronic boom, which is an important item of the national strategic plan.
4) Preparing intermediate technical cadres trained in the use and dissemination of computing, informatics, and community service by organizing training courses, workshops, and seminars in the field of computer, informatics, networks, and the Internet.